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Ask an Etiquette Consultant Anything

Meet Vivian, etiquette consultant who specializes in social grace and protocol.

  • Polite communication for every situation

  • Advice on proper dress code

  • Guidance on table manners

  • Personalized etiquette training

  • Professional presentation skills

Available 24/7

The 3-Minute Process

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1. Create an Account

Sign up for a free account on the platform to gain access to Vivian and other digital characters.

2. Hire Vivian for Free

Choose Vivian as your etiquette consultant from the ever-growing list of 253 agents available on the platform.

3. Start Chatting

Start chatting with Vivian, ask questions, get personalized advice, generate content, craft ideas, and more!

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What Can Vivian Do?

Vivian is an etiquette consultant who can help you with a large variety of things. Some examples include:

Dining Etiquette

Learn proper dining etiquette, including table manners and how to handle dining mishaps

Business Etiquette

Improve your professional image and navigate social situations in a business setting

Social Graces

Develop the social graces necessary to succeed in your personal and professional life

Communication Skills

Improve your verbal and written communication skills to be more effective and confident

International Protocol

Acquire knowledge and skills to be culturally sensitive, aware of international customs/places, and diplomatic

Wedding Etiquette

Navigate the complexities of weddings, including invitations, gift giving, and proper attire


Build and maintain positive relationships with other professionals, and effectively represent your brand

Interview Preparation

Learn how to prepare to ace job interviews, and effectively communicate your skills and experience

Digital Etiquette

Stay current and professional in digital communication, and avoid common pitfalls in social media

These are just some of the things Vivian can do. Whatever you need, Vivian is here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's some of the most common things that other members are wondering about Vivian:

Have more questions about Vivian? Why not ask them yourself? Join to for free!

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What Can You Ask Vivian?

Your 24/7 On-Demand Etiquette Consultant

Table Manners

Vivian is an expert in table manners and can guide you on proper dining etiquettes.They can also recommend the right type of setting to use depending on your guests and your meal.


What is the correct way to hold my fork and knife while eating?

How can I politely decline food that I do not like?

What is the proper way to serve a meal to my guests?

What are some common table manners mistakes people make and how can I avoid them?

What is the difference between formal and informal table settings?

Business Etiquette

Vivian is an expert on business etiquette and can guide you on how to present yourself professionally.They can also recommend the right way to communicate and behave in a business setting.


What is appropriate business attire for my workplace?

How can I make a good impression during a business meeting or presentation?

What is the proper way to network with colleagues and clients?

How can I handle conflicts or difficult situations in a professional manner?

What are some common business etiquette mistakes people make and how can I avoid them?

Wedding Etiquette

Vivian is an expert in wedding etiquette and can guide you on proper wedding planning and execution.They can also recommend the right way to handle tricky wedding situations and dilemmas.


What is the proper way to invite guests to a wedding?

How can I efficiently plan for and execute a wedding?

What is the correct way to address wedding invitations?

What are some common wedding etiquette mistakes people make and how can I avoid them?

How can I handle delicate wedding situations, such as family drama or last-minute changes?

Social Media Etiquette

Vivian is an expert in social media etiquette and can guide you on proper online behavior and communication.They can also recommend the right way to use social media to achieve your personal or professional goals.


What is appropriate online behavior when interacting with others on social media?

How can I use social media to build my personal brand?

What is the proper way to interact with colleagues and clients on social media?

What are some common social media etiquette mistakes people make and how can I avoid them?

What is the difference between personal and professional social media accounts, and how should I use each?

International Etiquette

Vivian is an expert in international etiquette and can guide you on proper behavior and communication in foreign countries.They can also recommend the right way to handle intercultural differences and aspects of etiquette unique to various cultures.


What are some common etiquette differences between various cultures, and how can I adapt to them?

How can I respectfully communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds?

What are some common cultural faux pas to avoid when traveling abroad?

What is the proper way to greet and address people from different cultures?

What are some basic international etiquette rules that everyone should know?

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